Senator Rose Ogendo’s invitation letter to visit Kenya.
Thank you for the lovely invitation letter to visit Kenya, Senator Rose Ogendo Look forward to visit Kenya soon.
Thank you for the lovely invitation letter to visit Kenya, Senator Rose Ogendo Look forward to visit Kenya soon.
Look forward to attend the 10th Global Family Office Investment Summit in Dubai.
Thank you Mr. Shakir Farsakh- Consulate General of the USA and his Spouse Hasna Mazrouha for the invitation for the Select USA Investment Summit Networking Reception in Dubai.
HE Ms Sania A Ansari was honored with Books For Peace Award 2019. Book and Peace Award 2019, Link to Video with HE Ms Sania Ansari
On Sept 7, 2019, Her Excellency Ms Sania A Ansari and His Majesty Dr. Nana Sanzule Manwere also endorsed & honoured the two Child awardees at the Child Summit & Awards in Accra, Ghana.
On Sept 7, 2019, Her Excellency was honored & graced with the Grand Order of the Hand Merit Honor which is the highest recognition given to an individual who has sacrificed time and resources in protecting the rights of children. She was honored by these three lovely ladies; Her Excellency, Dr. Jewel Howard Taylor- Vice [...]
On Sept 7, 2019, History will be made again as Ghana, the first country in the world to ratify the UN convention right of a child hosts the first and only Continental Child Summit and Awards in Africa. Join us at the British Council Auditorium, 3pm.
Had a great meeting with the Deputy Minister of Sanitation & Water Resources- Mr. Patrick Yaw Boamah MP in Accra, Ghana to discus the possible synergies to collaborate.
9th Global Family Office Investment Summit in Monte Carlo.
Dinner with some of the amazing people in New York.